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Our roots

The Quilt Guild of Greater Victoria is steeped in tradition for the 30+ years of its existence.  Founded in 1983, it encompasses the talents of some 100 members who have kept the idea alive that a group of fabric/fiber artists can learn from each other and create a forum where new creativity can be nurtured and taught. The Quilt Guild of Greater Victoria has beginner members as well as others who have been with the group since its beginning. We are always looking for new members who want to learn more about the art or bring their fresh perspective.


The quilt industry has changed much in the past 30 years. Fabrics and fibers in vivid colors can be made into traditional quilts or morphed into the modern movement where the quilts would not be recognized by the grandmothers of the past. Today the quilter has access to tools such as internet learning channels on You Tube, Craftsy, computerized quilting machines, precut fabrics, Pinterest, and the list goes on.


The ages of the quilt artists are so diverse that there is something for everyone. It’s no wonder that quilting art is now a multi-billion dollar industry. The International Quilt Festival and QuiltCon are two national events that showcase the smorgasbord of creations that the current

fiber artists are creating.

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