Member Page
This page is designed to provide information of special interest to members of our guild, such as forms, programs, and our photo archives. Information for 2024 will be updated as soon as it is available.
December 5 Meeting
and Christmas Party
Our last meeting of this year. Come join us at the usual time for our business meeting and then we will have a Christmas party afterwards with lunch catered. You will need to sign up ahead of time with Carolyn Bradshaw to get your name in the pot for the luncheon.

January Class
It's not too early to think about signing up for our January class to kick the year off right. This fun bag class will be taught by Donna Zbranek. You can download the homework instructions below.
You can view pictures from our October meeting here.
Looking for a long arm quilter! Here's a printable list of quilters that guild members use who have agreed to have their information posted.
Check out the quilt show page before ou leave and view all the quilts.